Saturday, November 9 The Guy Fawkes Festival is an annual event organized by Blimey Bloke Productions. This year it was held at Steve's Place at 115 Mill Race Lane in Wimberley, TX. This festival included music by three bands, the burning of the effigy of Guy Fawkes, stone soup (another tradition), and other food and drink. See Flyer Guy Fawkes was a co-conspirator in the 1605 attempt to blow up the British Parliament while the King and other principal leaders were there. The plan was to fill a cellar beneath the parliament building with kegs of gunpowder and set off the charge at the appropriate time. Guy Fawkes was caught guarding the gunpowder and, after being tortured, confessed to the crime and revealed the names of other conspirators. The British celebrate the foiling of the plot annually on the 5th of November. Celebrations tend to include fireworks, burning an effigy of Guy Fawkes, or the pope, or someone else like Margaret Thatcher. Guy was not a very common name at the time and became the origin for our word "guy". The British adopted the use of the word "guy" to mean anyone who is unusually dressed. Americans later came to use the word to mean any male person. The weather for the Guy Fawkes Festival was cool and overcast, so the temperature did not drop much during the evening. Three bands performed, The Brook Meggs Band, Tomzap, and The Adventures Of... The Brook Meggs Band consisted of
The Adventures Of... band consisted of
Tomzap played these songs:
![]() Brook Meggs Band
![]() Tomzap
![]() The Adventures Of..
Tomzap plays Go Go Power Rangers, theme song from the Power Rangers television series.
Tomzap plays Get Together, written by Tom Penick.
The Adventures Of... band playing Runs In the Family by Brook Meggs and I Got A Line On You (Spirit).
Photo taken by Tim G.
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